Use Of Stainless Steel Angle Steel

2022/11/01 14:43


1 stainless steel Angle is widely used, is in the construction of the layout, and a variety of engineering layout, such as the construction of the beam, etc., in the construction of engineering equipment has a significant effect.

2 stainless steel Angle steel in use, has a comparative weldability, and, has a strong shaping and deformation, and together also has a certain mechanical strength. Stainless steel Angle in the production of time, the material is the general low carbon steel bad, and then produced into stainless steel Angle, the use of hot rolling molding technology.

3. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel Angle steel is relatively high, and it has good corrosion resistance in the production process of pulp and paper. Moreover, stainless steel also suffers from the erosion of the ocean and the erosive industrial atmosphere.

4. Stainless steel Angle can be used for dry pulp and paper equipment heat exchanger, dyeing equipment, film washing equipment, pipes, materials used for the exterior of buildings in coastal areas.

5 precipitation hardening stainless steel Angle steel is through heat treatment means to make steel carbide precipitation precipitation, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the strength of steel.

6. Martensite type stainless steel Angle steel is a kind of steel that can be adjusted by heat treatment. Its strength and hardness are high, and it is very useful in process and mechanics.