2022/05/05 09:40

321 stainless steel plates are part of the austenitic family of stainless steel. 321 is basically a 304 grade containing a stabilizer of titanium. Type 321 is a good choice for applications where heat is an issue. 321 can be used in applications up to 900°C where 304 is normally used up to 500°C. Grade 321 has excellent forming and welding characteristics. It does not polish well so would not be used for decorative applications.


  • Aircraft exhaust manifolds

  • Expansion joints

  • Furnace parts

  • Heat exchangers

Typical Chemical Requirements
Carbon Max0.08
Manganese Max2
Phosphorous Max0.045
Sulfur Max0.03
Silicon Max0.75
Chromium Range17-19
Nickel Range9-12
Nitrogen Max0.1
Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength Min75 KSI
Yield Strength Min30 KSI
Elongation Min40%
Hardness Min95 HRB